Friday, 6 July 2012

I'm sorry, what? July?? Already??? Oh heck!!

The sun has got his hat on... and legged it off to far and fantastical lands!!

Ergo, instead of  lounging out on the lawn catching a few rays and networking, I have been forced to focus and be practically productive instead. If I'm honest, not as much obvious fun and ice-cream involved but definitely a sense of achievement when you see those to-do's becoming to-done's (sneaky pat-on-the-back to self, hey if you don't pat your own back who else is going to do it for you?). So, although I hate to say it,  a few good days (nay, weeks) of rain has been very helpful for my planning and attempts at being organised.

Yes, yes that's all very good Bellamy, but what exactly have you been up to and how is it likely to interest us? Well, it probably won't interest you at all but just for giggles I'll share ...

.... updates to departments given, online resources developed, training sessions organised, new campaigns imagined, collaborations discussed, new skills acquired, professional boundaries challenged, diplomacy tested, to-do list shortened, celebratory moments enjoyed ... Pretty good eh?

Highlights of my week?

  • Catching up with Mentors at the departmental away day and seeing them get right into the thick of it, sharing ideas for a new promotional video. Just love it when people throw off their "staff" or "student" label and just get in there and work together, it brings a real energy to the whole thing, I think.
  • Becoming more self aware and appreciative of my own central belief system as a result of finding myself in a personally challenging situation. Boy, you can really learn a lot about yourself if you listen to your inner voice and give yourself permission to say how you feel.

So what's in store for the rest of this month? Well....lots, if I'm honest! So don't tune out yet... Hello?... helloooooo?